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Auto dealerships goodbye?

The auto sales agency demise is possibly on the horizon.

it is possible that car dealerships may cease to exist in the next ten years or so.

Due to different factors, such as in today's digital internet era, as fewer people purchase items at physical locations.

In the case of vehicles, there are presently resources for purchasing the one you wish to purchase with little or no Hassle-via the internet.

Thanks to companies like Tesla and Carvana, there is no longer a need for the car lot or the salesman. Now, consumers can buy direct and get exactly what they want with less hassle and frustration from unnecessary pressure.

Of late, Toyota has now begun exploring the possibility of selling its cars direct to consumers, following in the footsteps of Tesla and other forward-thinking automakers in the EV market. It is only a matter of time, before the entire auto market goes to on-lines sales, as to the repairs and maintenance, that would go to the many already in place reputable auto repair companies, nationwide.

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